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Drugs and other items seized by detectives from the Paramilitary Crime Task Force Northern Ireland Police (Press Release)11:53 9-Dec-23
SecAF announces Air Task Force model The U.S. Air Force09:56 9-Dec-23
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Task Force? Not again The Nation, Nigeria23:46 8-Dec-23
Expand existing task force to protect Red Sea from Houthi attacks Foundation for Defense of Democracies16:21 8-Dec-23
Police reactivate elections task force Graphic Online00:01 7-Dec-23
Joint Agency Task Force - Cross Border Operation, Tuesday 5th December 2023 An Garda Síochána (Press Release)03:17 6-Dec-23
Task force to tackle record emergency wait times The Canberra Times20:31 5-Dec-23
Task Force Logistics Symposium Sets Sights on Success Defense Visual Information Distribution Service20:27 5-Dec-23
Searches carried out in Newry as part of Joint Agency Task Force (JATF) operation Northern Ireland Police (Press Release)13:02 5-Dec-23
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10 Dec 06:07

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